Sunday, November 11, 2007

Aqua Dots

I'm not sure when my son first laid eyes on it, but it must have been over a year ago. It was the AquaDots infomercial/commercial that came on at nearly every commercial break. In his own little preschool way, he tried to explain this toy that only required water? Finally he dragged me into the living room one day just to catch the end of the commercial with the infamous "and for just $19.95 ***insert hushed voice**** plus $6.95 shipping and handling" we too could have our own personal AquaDots.

First, let me explain that I NEVER purchase (ok, wait...other than those shake-up flashlights)/ ALMOST never purchase anything from a TV ad. Well, Matthew begged and begged and begged. He bargained, he whined, he tried every 4-year-old...then 5-year-old trick in the book. About two weeks ago, I finally relented. His kindergarten teacher said he needed to work on fine motor skills and I needed incentive for the kids to help me clean the house. I purchased AquaDots at the local Walmart (woohoo... no shipping or handling!).

Poor Matthew assembled his creation, but mean-mommy wouldn't let him spray his artwork. Seems he missed the point that the dots have to be "touching" for adhesion to occur. We were going to fix this and modify his masterpiece as soon as we found a couple of quiet moments without a two-year-old sibling helping.

I even remember thinking... now this is a cool toy. I don't have to worry about my 2-year-old choking on them. They're so small, they'd just pass right through. Not so fast! Never considered they'd hide a date rape drug in a kids toy!?! Ugh.

How do I explain to a 5-year-old who waited over a year for his flipping dots that they could kill him??? Let me just quote from the box, "Conforms to product safety standards.." uh..yeah... I'm sure rat poison has to pass some sort of safety standard too?

Maybe coal would be the safest gift for my kids this Christmas. As long as they don't burn it and inhale the fumes?