Friday, September 7, 2007

Two Months Today

Our "road" has a traffic jam right now. There have been no new posts, because there is no new information to report. We are still waiting for a referral. Our dossier arrived in Tashkent exactly two months ago today. In our "spare" time, Mike (and family) have been preparing for his upcoming deployment. On the adoption front, the deployment is creating just a nightmare of paperwork scenarios. Since Mike's final destination is undetermined, his access to the internet/fax/phone/mail service are questionable. We are trying to envision every possible paperwork scenario (or snag!) and have a solution already in place.

For almost two months now, we've dreaded telling the boys that Daddy was going to be leaving on deployment. Since the countdown was at less than two weeks, we finally had to have the "big talk". We chose a Friday evening during dinner to break the news. The boys listened intently as we explained that Daddy would be going to help the "army guys" in Iraq. He'll be doing a very helpful job and trying to keep other daddies and mommies safe. The trip will be a very long one (he'll miss his birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.), but he will eventually be coming home. With dreaded speech finished, we waited for the reaction. Sean was the first to speak, "Mommy, do you think you can scrape the cheese off of my broccoli? I don't like melted cheese on my food."

So, there you have it.... perhaps melted cheese is the secret weapon we need to use against terrorists...