Monday, July 2, 2007

The Big Reveal...

So, I'm getting a little nervous. As an avid watcher of shows like Trading Spaces, While You Were Out, there's always that final buildup where the newest creations are shared with family and friends. Our adoption is facing the "big reveal" in the next couple of weeks.

Some of you may disagree with this, but we've kept our adoption news a secret from our parents. Why? Won't they approve? No, nothing like that. I guess we wanted our surprise to be more about a grandchild than this major paperwork process we had gotten ourselves into. Plus, I'm afraid they would have done too many internet searches and read about disrupted adoptions, fraudulent agencies, travel warnings, etc., etc.

We'll be visiting both sets of parents in the next couple of weeks and sharing the big news. Since our sons have been sharing the news with EVERYONE they talk to, we figure the secret will be out within the first ten minutes of walking through the door!

I'll be sure to share the reactions when I have a spare moment or two. Keep your fingers crossed! My guess.... utter surprise, disbelief, "how are you EVER going to keep up with laundry and dishes?" and finally.... "oh WOW, a granddaughter!"

1 comment:

GDS said...

Funny post! The analogies are not too far off either. And don't worry about the timing - there's nothing to disagree with. Every situation requires different methods. Your reasons for waiting seem perfectly legit.

Maybe I'll e-mail you some of the um, more "interesting" reactions we've experienced (its ongoing). But it sounds like you are prepared for that initial bewilderment. Truth be told - for some of our family, it lasted 10 minutes, and for others, it actually took a couple of months. Having Uzbekistan be your daughter's birthplace will make it particularly interesting.

I highly recommend this book:

Good luck to ya!