Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It's TWINS!?!?!

While they will not have grown together in my womb; instead they will grow together in my heart and in our family.

We received more concrete information from our adoption agency about our future little girl. It turns out that the estimate on her age was wrong... half a year wrong.

When we started the adoption process we wholeheartedly agreed that our goal was to adopt a younger sister for our sons. That meant keeping a nine month spacing at the very least between our youngest son and our new addition. Even as we read our online education requirements including sections on "artificial twinning" we, again, wholeheartedly agreed it was something we did not want to do.

But, when you find out that the little girl you've been dreaming of for several months is actually a virtual twin (less than 1.5 months difference) to your youngest son... what do you do? For some reason I'd always pictured myself having twins someday. I always thought it would be a surprise at an ultrasound appointment or something. Never expected it to come in the form of a phone call.


Scott C. Roberts said...
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Jennifer said...

Whoops! Sorry, that was me! Didn't realize my husband was logged in!

Jennifer said...

Ok, I'll try again...

I never thought we would have twins this way either! I'll have to blog about the dream I had years ago...

I'm so excited for you! I hope you get some good news soon!

Nichole said...

Congrats, Lisa! I can't wait until things start moving with your adoption! I am ready for some action, things have been to quiet lately.