Thursday, August 9, 2007

As the Adoption Turns (or "Doesn't")

Based on the speed at which we got our dossier together, I just assumed the remainder of our adoption would continue at the same breakneck pace. Not so much. After our dossier's one week vacation in Frankfurt, it arrived in Tashkent over a month ago. Since then... nothing. We wait and we wait---as patiently as possible. Has our coordinator been allowed to visit the orphanages? Are there no children paperwork ready? Have all of the orphans in Uzbekistan already been adopted? Has our coordinator gone on a six month sabbatical? We really don't know. Although, I truly doubt the last two ideas have any merit.

On a side note, I've been "tagged" to answer some blogger questions. Rest assured, I will be answering those in my next post or two... and passing the tag along!

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