Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday - Nothing again...

Just came back from the mailbox. Nothing but a real estate flyer. We usually get a LOT more mail than that. I truly wonder if the postman decided not to "sort" mail today or something. Guess there's always tomorrow. :(


GDS said...

Hmmm, this is oddly starting to sound quite familiar. Just a few months ago, the red-head spent the better part of 2 weeks stalking the mailman for the very same reason. I'm sure he thought something strange was going on considering all the stuff that went through our box headed to or from one government office or another.

BTW - congrats on the upcoming adoption!!! Hope you don't mind me peaking in on your blog. It was good to meet ya'll last summer - so it's exciting to read about your growing family.

Shelley said...

I too have done my time peaking out the window and waiting for the mailman to come! At least you know it's on it's way!
PS. Our mail doesn't come until 2-3pm everyday either.