Thursday, June 14, 2007

Another futile trip to the mailbox

You're probably wondering why I haven't updated recently. There's just not much to report. I'm still running to the mailbox every day with the great anticipation that surely TODAY will be the day that the I-171H will be there! Today I was so confident that I actually left the I-171H notarization cover sheet open in Word so that I could print off that very last page after I had the official information. But, alas, still nothing from the USCIS. The USPS must have the slow pony running the OKC to Dallas line or something.

Otherwise, after two very LATE nights, I have completed all of our photo pages and other dossier forms. Everything except that one form is complete and waiting for notarization, copying and authentication.

I feel like I'm that horse at the starting gate. I've got my riding gear on, at the starting line and just waiting for those doors to swing open. As soon as they do, I'll be running as fast as I can. If that silly form arrives tomorrow or Saturday, I have a carefully thought out (ok, developed this morning after 4 hours of sleep between pouring cereal in bowls and cutting pancakes) plan. It includes a trip to Austin on Sunday afternoon to meet up with a friend I met through a Yahoo! Group. Still haven't met in person, but she actually lived in Uzbekistan for two years. I'll be so excited to hear all of her stories and see any pictures she might have. Then it's off to the Secretary of State's office first thing Monday morning and home again in time for Mike to make it to work.

Did I mention I don't have a good backup plan yet? Maybe during breakfast tomorrow one will come to me! Does anyone else in this country get their mail delivered between 2 and 3 o'clock in the afternoon???? Everywhere else I've ever lived, mail was a morning thing. I don't think I ever cared before now, but I need those extra couple of hours for notarization.

Let me leave you with the new family photo that we just did this past weekend.

1 comment:

Tanya @ Ever After Cottage said...

I love the new photo. The perfect family. All you need now is a little girl!

Wonder if the I-171H form would have arrived faster if you had them send it to me since we're so close to Dallas. If I had thought it through, I could have driven to OK to pick it up for you, then held it for ransom - another visit from the Rooney's!

Is the road turning into a highway?